Monday, April 20, 2015

Mana nak cari keropok Terengganu yang best?

Haa tiap kali menjejak ke negeri NG (forgive me for this sarcasm) benda wajib kita cari adalah keropok lekor. Kan? Kan? Kan? Tak kisahlah untuk sendiri santap atau buah tangan nak bagitahu orang "woi aku pergi Terengganu woi".

Keropok dekat Ganu banyak jenis dan jenama. Dulu aku ingat losong tu spesis keropok. Rupanya jenama yang ambil nama tempat, Kg. Losong. Aku dengar banyak je keropok losong best siap ada yang kena ambil nombor giliran.

Tapi bagi aku, aku lebih suka keropok lekor Kelulut 008. Aku tak tahu fungsi kod 008 tu. Reccomended beli yang goreng. Dulu aku panggil keropok kfc sebab bau dia macam kfc. Haha.

Apa yang aku suka pasal 008 ni keropok dia banyak isi ikan tak macam keropok biasa kita makan dekat pasar malam. Kadang-kadang tu banyak tulang dari isi ikan. Tak tahu la jenis apa ikan yang digunakan tapi memang tak gatal. Makan satu tak cukup. Sos cicah dia pun best.

Macam mana aku boleh ter-hooked dengan keropok ni? Masa belajar dekat Kuantan dulu member perkenalkan keropok ni, terus kamching dengan selera. Lepastu balik konvo rela balik ikut jalan pantai which is jauh semata nak singgah sini. Hehe. Memang selang bertahun jugak sebelum dapat makan lagi.

Selain keropok 008 ni aku suka keropok dekat Peramu Kuantan, nama kedai Mokna kot. Boleh tengok live mak cik kaup isi ikan lepas tu gaul dengan tepung, ramas-ramas sikit terus masuk kuali. Rasa dia memang authentic. But mostly dekat Kuantan keropok lekor memang macam tu.

Kedai 008 ni terletak dekat tepi Pantai Kelulut Marang. Sebelah stesen minyak Caltex. Very recomended. Tapi lain orang lain seleranya. Kalau tak sangkut dekat anda, tetap menjadi kegemaran aku. Kesah pulak aku. Haha. Chiow.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Homeless Children: An Untold Reality

By: Faarzana, Salmie, Amirul Aiman & Zul Khairi

A harmony and progressive country like Malaysia sealed an untold story behind it. A city light at night become the only beam that witness loneliness and emptiness of homeless children especially in Kuala Lumpur and others city in Malaysia. The developing of the country had neglected this minority from having the same benefits like other citizens. 

Most of the homeless children are being abandon from both their parents who working late night and this will lead them to be engaged with social security problem like sexual abuse, human trafficking and others crimes. There is also homeless children who are refugees such as Rohingya and also illegal child who their mother a sex workers that make their home as place for that unhealthy activity. Does this untold realities are irritating? This unlucky minority had gone through a hard time to keep their survival. 

The numbers of homeless children or street kids is increasingly and worrying as this will lead to other unhealthy social problems. As said by UNICEF, in Malaysia, children living on the streets include undocumented children, stateless children and children of migrants. Some children may have run away from home, often in response to psychological, physical or sexual abuse. Those children without right birth registration will deny their benefits from having good education and healthcare.

According to an Inter-NGO Program on street children and youth, a street child is “any girl or boy who has not mature and reach adulthood level, for whom the street has become his or her usual sojourn and source of livelihood, and who is deficient protected, directed, and look over by responsible adults.”


The analogy is simple-

What if: a herd of sheep release naked in sahara among wilderness—among lions and cheetah? 
The cheetah and wilderness represent city and rough black hazardous environment, while sheep is symbolic to homeless kid or children.

The rough environment will shape and affect the children, while other kids enjoying pencil and book with guidance from teacher,homeless will enjoy their day with daydream or loitering around their neighbourhood without proper education. They will repeat the cycle of their parents life. In 2012 level of illiterate in Malaysia is 37,504 from 468,808 SPM candidates. (Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi,2012)

From 468,808 students are taking SPM in 2012, how about homeless? Are they seat for SPM too?

Children are persona from their elder, parents, brothers and who they friends with, the other effect of homeless is the margin of crime rapidly increase day by day. Their father as drug dealer, while sister and mother as prostitute and friend join the gangster club to try fit in the society. They are the 'noir' side of Kuala Lumpur-Chow kit. Are you sure they will became “Imam Muda’ after being raised in this black society—sure they can. But in one fine day.


            The Child Act 2001 [Act 611] was enacted in our country to fulfil its obligation under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) which is in 1995 and the goals of CRC are to uphold its commitment to the protection and welfare of her children. This was a major step for the country.

Act 611’s preamble provides that every child is entitled to protection and assistance in all circumstances without regard to distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, social origin or physical, mental or emotional disabilities or any status. In addition, the provisions of Act 611 are based on the four core principles of the CRC that is, non-discrimination, best interest of the child, the right to life, survival and development and respect for the views of the child.

Apart from that, the Act also established the National Council for the Protection of Children, which advises the Government on child protection issues while the National Advisory and Consultative Council for Children acts as a national focal point for children's well-being and development.

Act 611 also requires the setting up of Child Protection Teams and Child Activity Centres at both state and district levels. For instance, it is aimed at mobilising community participation in the implementation of preventive and rehabilitative programmes, these initiatives are targeted for children at risk or children vulnerable to all forms of abuse and exploitation.

There are following non-governmental groups that are working to respect and uphold the rights of children in our country such as Malaysian Child Resource Institute, Childline Malaysia, Malaysia Care, National Early Childhood Intervention Council, Protect and Save the children, Voice of Children, and Yayasan Chow Kit.

In a nutshell, those unlucky homeless children who being neglected apart from the developing world should have a better place and it is not only one responsibility as this issue takes more than that to combat these social problems. Lack of love and attention towards their needs had made them become vulnerable and a good approach from NGO and leader of community are needed. The NGO in our country especially should uphold the principles and provisions of the CRC such as the General Principles of the CRC concerning non-discrimination, the best interests of the child, the right to life and survival and development and the right of the child to express their views freely.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

CIA dan Teori Konspirasi

Terlalu banyak teori konspirasi mengenai kehilangan MH370 sejak kehilangannya pada 8 Mac yang lalu. Sehingga kini tiada kesan penemuan bangkai pesawat dijumpai, malahan terlalu banyak informasi serpihan di lautan adalah ‘mungkin’ milik pesawat MH370. Kemungkinan itu telah membawa kepada pelbagai spekulasi dan andaian dari masyarakat segenap dunia mengenai kehilangannya.

Kolumnis Washington Post, Robinson menyalahkan kerajaan Malaysia di atas maklumat yang disampaikan sering bercanggah di kala umum sedang tertanya-tanya ‘apa yang terjadi?’ Namun, kerajaan Malaysia menafikan hal sedemikian malahan menekankan bahawa kerajaan Malaysia bersikap terbuka dan telus dalam penyampaian maklumat setiap kali mendapat perkembangan mengenai misi pencarian pesawat tersebut.

Terdapat banyak teori dikemukakan antaranya teori mengenai Diego Garcia, sebuah pangkalan bersama Amerika Syarikat dan United Kingdom di tengah-tengah Lautan Hindi. dan kaitan kehilangan MH370 dengan hubungan diplomatik antara Malaysia dengan China. Namun Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein menolak teori tersebut.
Sumber: Google
Pangkalan tentera itu terletak lebih 4,000 kilometer dari tempat di mana analisis satelit menyarankan sebagai lokasi terakhir MH370, memungkinkan andaian bahawasanya MH370 telah dirampas oleh pihak tertentu. Pada awal kehilangan MH370, menteri turut tidak menolak kemungkinan bahawa terdapat unsur ‘pengganas’ di dalam kes ini. Disebabkan percanggahan maklumat tersebut juga, terdapatnya spekulasi bahawa kerajaan Malaysia cuba menyembunyikan sesuatu.

Pakar psikologi dari Universiti Westminster, United Kingdom, Dr. Viren Swami berpendapat bahawa teori konspirasi tidak hanya memberikan impak negatif.
“Ia memenuhi fungsinya dalam masyarakat. Ia mungkin bukan fungsi yang baik, atau membantu, tetapi ia memberikan respon rasional (penerimaan) terhadap satu fenomena yang sukar,”

Menurut Nicholas DiFonzo dari Institut Teknologi Rochester pula, Media sosial memberikan ruang untuk teori konspirasi berkembang tanpa ada pihak yang boleh menidakkannya. Apabila maklumat yang kritikal berkenaan sesuatu teori diberikan, ia mengurangkan andaian bahawa ianya sekadar satu konspirasi.

Mendengar berulang kali dari sumber yang mereka percayai, menyebabkan seseorang itu akan mudah mempercayai sesuatu teori ,” tambah DiFonzo

Sumber: Berita Astro Awani